Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia - Accredited programs
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Accredited programs

The Accreditation Committee started to accredit education providers and programs under the National Law in 2012. Accredited programs need to be approved by the National Board before graduates can be registered.

The Accreditation Committee has assessed and accredited the following education providers and their programs of study.

Education Provider Accredited Campus(es) Program name Course Code Current Accreditation Status
Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of NSW -
accredited as Aboriginal Health College
Little Bay, NSW Certificate IV qualification HLT 40213

Accredited with conditions
Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia Inc Adelaide, SA Certificate IV qualification HLT 40213 Accredited with conditions
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education Batchelor, NT and
Alice Springs, NT
Certificate IV qualification

HLT 40213

HLT 40221

Bega Garnbirringu Health Service Incorporated
Trading as: Nindila Training Centre
Kalgoorlie, WA Certificate IV qualification HLT 40213 Accredited
Central Queensland University Rockhampton and Cairns, Qld  Certificate IV qualification HLT 40213 

HLT 40221
Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Ltd Broome, WA Certificate IV qualification HLT 40213 Accredited 
Marr Mooditj Training Inc Waterford, WA Certificate IV qualification HLT 40213

HLT 40221
TAFE - Queensland
(formerly known as TAFE Queensland North)
Cairns, Townsville,
Mount Isa and
Thursday Island, QLD
Certificate IV qualification HLT 40213 Accredited
TAFE NSW - Griffith, Nowra and Wagga Wagga
(formerly known as TAFE NSW Albury, Griffith and Wagga Wagga)

Nowra and
Wagga Wagga, NSW
Certificate IV qualification HLT 40221 Accredited with conditions
TAFE NSW - Dubbo, Orange, Port Macquarie and Tamworth
(formerly known as TAFE NSW Western Institute)

Orange, Port Macquarie and Tamworth, NSW
Certificate IV qualification HLT 40221 Accredited
TAFE NSW - Kingswood
(formerly known as TAFE NSW Western Sydney Institute)
Kingswood, NSW Certificate IV qualification HLT 40221 Accredited 
Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Inc. Collingwood, Vic Certificate IV qualification HLT 40213

HLT 40221
Wirraka Maya Health Service Aboriginal Corporation South Hedland, WA Certificate IV qualification HLT 40213 Accredited with conditions  

Note: In this table 'Certificate IV qualification' refers to the HLT40213 Certificate IV in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care Practice qualification

A list of programs of study that have been approved by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia is published on the Approved Programs of Study on the Ahpra website.

Page reviewed 3/03/2025